What is the Position of Educators on Vision Therapy?

Dr. Russel Lazarus, September 12, 2021

According to the National PTA, more than ten million students suffer from vision problems – that may cause them learning difficulties in school.

Just as in any issue in life, people’s perspectives on any subject can vary and differ significantly.

What do educators think about vision therapy?

Educators are usually aware of symptoms or indicators that indicate a child may require glasses or contact lenses.

In some educators, little is known about the 17 visual abilities that a child must be able to perform correctly in order to learn effectively in the classroom.

Most educators who are more knowledgeable about vision therapy, and its effectiveness, have a favorable view of vision therapy.

Many teachers have had students in their classrooms who have finished vision therapy programs and can attest to their effectiveness.

Teachers play a critical role in their students’ future success. They are the most qualified professionals in the classroom to detect any learning problems.

Is there evidence-based research on vision therapy?


Vision therapy has undergone the most strict and comprehensive research from many of the most prestigious universities in the world.

Published research clearly indicates that is performed correctly vision therapy is a successful program recommended by many teachers.

Important facts for teachers

A student with ‘20/20 sight’ may still have a vision problem.

What every teacher should be aware of when it comes to their kids’ vision:

  • Visual learning accounts for 80% of all learning.
  • 60% of students who are labeled as having a “learning difficulty” have undiagnosed vision problems.
  • Since they have ‘always seen this way,’ children may not realize their vision problems, and subtle changes may go unreported.

There is a common misconception that just because a child can easily see an eye chart across the room, they have great vision.

The ability to see clearly from 20 feet away is a measure of “20/20,” which has little to do with reading, attentiveness, or the other activities required for successful academic performances.

SEE RELATED: Vision Therapy and Learning Difficulties

If you suspect your student has an eye condition, advise their parents to see an eye doctor who can diagnose and treat the problem.

Find a Vision Therapy Eye Doctor Near You

School vision screenings are limited

While school vision screenings can detect myopia or a severe lazy eye, many other vision problems can go unnoticed.

A vision screening at school is not a replacement for a full eye examination by an eye doctor.

  • Vision screenings are not diagnostic, and they can only detect a limited number of vision problems.
  • The majority of vision screenings are unable to detect issues with focusing, eye tracking, or depth perception.

Nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, eye coordination and muscle function, eye focusing ability, and visual processing should all be tested during a full eye exam, many of these are missed in the standard school-based vision screening.

What should teachers look for?

Here are several indicators that a student in your class may be having vision problems:

  • Attention or concentration problems
  • Avoids close work
  • Blurry or double vision
  • Complains of frequent headaches
  • Difficulties with comprehension
  • Holds reading material close to the face
  • Loses place or skips words when reading
  • Makes errors when copying from the board
  • Omits or confuses small words while reading
  • Reading below grade level
  • Reverses letters or words while reading or writing
  • Rubs eyes
  • Slow to finish written assignments
  • Squints eyes
  • Tilts head or covers one eye
  • Trouble spelling
  • Uses finger to hold their place

Vision therapy quiz

As a teacher, you have a critical role to play in detecting vision problems that may be affecting your students’ academic progress.

Take our vision therapy quiz to see whether your students have an undiagnosed vision issue.

Vision difficulties can have a direct impact on academic achievement, sports performance, and behavioral behavior.

It’s critical to comprehend the importance of vision therapy. With this knowledge, you can assist your students in receiving appropriate therapy and providing them with the skills they require to reach their full potential.

LEARN MORE: Guide to Vision Therapy

Parents should make an appointment with an eye doctor for a full eye exam and to discuss any concerns raised by a teacher.

Most educators and teachers, who are knowledgeable about vision therapy and its effectiveness, recommend vision therapy.