eye turn

2021 Update: Autism (ASD) and Vision

by Russ Lazarus May 19, 2021

The latest information on autism (ASD) and how optometrists can provide life-changing interventions. Studies of eye clinic records suggest that children with autism (ASD) and

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2021 Update: Vision Therapy for Adults

by Russ Lazarus April 25, 2021

Vision therapy can be more effective for adult patients, as they are typically more motivated in therapy.
Once an adult starts to notice the results of vision therapy with their own eyes they realize how beneficial it can be for them, motivating them to improve even further.

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What Are the Benefits of Vision Therapy?

by Russ Lazarus March 11, 2021

Vision therapy is a structured program provided by highly trained and experienced optometrists. If you are considering vision therapy, it is important to understand the differences between programs offered by orthotists, occupational therapists and other healthcare practitioners.

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Vision Therapy for Eye Turns: Success Stories

by Russ Lazarus August 15, 2020

Personal stories from parents of children diagnosed with an eye turn (strabismus). *Names have been changed for privacy protection. Click here for a list of

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Vision Therapy for Adults

by Russ Lazarus June 1, 2020

Vision therapy is a proven and effective solution for adults as well as children.
Do you feel like your work performance is impacted by headaches or eye strain?
Are you finding it stressful to meet deadlines? 
Vision therapy is a remarkably effective program that improves vision skills to achieve more comfortable vision for reading and computer use – enhancing your workplace productivity.

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Bifocals for Lazy Eye

by Russ Lazarus May 19, 2020

What are bifocals? Bifocals are glasses that contain two lens prescriptions, one for near vision and one for distance vision. The lens powers are usually

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Lazy Eye FAQs

by Russ Lazarus May 18, 2020

These are the 12 most frequent questions asked to vision therapy eye doctors on lazy eye. You may easily find answers to your questions below. If you still have questions, contact your nearest eye doctor experienced in children’s vision, lazy eyes and vision therapy.

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Until What Age Can a Lazy Eye Be Treated?

by Russ Lazarus May 10, 2020

Recent research from the National Eye Institute (NEI) shows that a lazy eye can be successfully treated at least up to age 17. Lazy eye

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A Guide to Eye Infections

by Russ Lazarus April 29, 2020

Up to 1 in 8 of all children will have an eye infection each year. Parents should be aware of the symptoms of an eye infection to enable prompt identification and treatment. Eye infections can be serious and may cause permanent vision loss. Effective treatment is always needed, especially when bacteria, viruses, or fungi invade the eye or the surrounding areas.  The most common eye infections that affect children are called Viral and Bacterial Conjunctivitis— both highly contagious.

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5 Essential Facts About Traumatic Brain Injuries

by Russ Lazarus April 12, 2020

Have you suffered a brain injury? Here are 5 facts that are essential to know: A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an injury to the

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What Is Lazy Eye?

by Russ Lazarus March 28, 2020

According to research, amblyopia affects up to 1 in 33 of the population— this means up to 10 million people in the U.S. may have a lazy eye. Amblyopia, commonly known as a “lazy eye”, is a neuro-developmental vision condition that begins in early childhood and develops when one eye is unable to achieve normal visual acuity, causing blurry vision in the affected eye, even with corrective eyewear.  The condition also commonly presents with poor depth perception, and reading difficulties.

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How Is Lazy Eye Treated?

by Russ Lazarus March 26, 2020

A variety of treatment options have been shown to treat lazy eye – the aim is to strengthen the eye-brain connections necessary for binocular vision. Traditionally, it has been thought that lazy eye treatment should begin before a child reaches around eight years old, however recent research shows that even after this age, lazy eye can be successfully treated. That being said, the earlier the condition is diagnosed, the better the treatment outcome will be.

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What Is Strabismus (Crossed-Eyes)?

by Russ Lazarus March 12, 2020

Up to 5% of the population has strabismus, or an eye turn. Strabismus occurs when the two eyes are unable to maintain proper alignment and focus together on an object – one eye looks directly at the object, while the other eye points in a different direction.

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