All About Vision and Learning Browse through this large collection of articles by the PTA, School Nurse News, Web MD, professors, eye doctors, and more...
Convergence Insufficiency and Reading Problems
This article by an eye doctor explains how and why convergence insufficiency causes problems with reading and learning. See the illustrations!
Dyslexia and Vision
The American Academy of Optometrists and the American Optometric Organization discuss vision, learning-related vision problems, and dyslexia.
Vision Therapy and LDs
As part of an interview, an eye doctor discusses whether Vision Therapy helps learning disabilities or learning-related vision problems.
What is a Complete Eye Exam?
It is not enough to test the clarity of eyesight at a distance of 20 feet (known as 20/20). A complete visual evaluation tests many aspects of vision.
Optometrists and Ophthalmologists
What are the differences in practice focus between a pediatric optometrist and a pediatric ophthalmologist?
Choosing an Eye Doctor
Comments by educators on choosing pediatric vision care for a child.
Lazy Eye, Crossed-Eyes, Strabismus, etc.
A large web site with many pages of easy-to-understand information on lazy eye, crossed-eyes (strabismus), eye muscle surgery, binocular vision impairments, and much more.
Eye Muscle Surgery and Vision Therapy
Eye muscle surgery, a common treatment for crossed eyes and lazy eye, does not have great success rates. Even when necessary, eye muscle surgery has had improved success rates when coordinated with pre- and/or post-surgical Vision Therapy.
COVD -- The College of Optometrists in Vision Development
An international professional organization which grants board certification in Vision Therapy to optometrists.
AOA -- The American Optometric Association
Organization of 32,000 optometrists.
OEP -- Optometric Extension Program Foundation
Serving the educational needs of optometrists.
NORA -- Neuro Optometric Rehabilitation Association International, Inc.
An organization which provides direction for the visual rehabilitation of persons who have physical disabilities and/or traumatic brain injuries (TBI).