
How Is Diabetic Retinopathy Treated?

by Russ Lazarus September 21, 2020

Without proper treatment, diabetic retinopathy can lead to vision loss and even blindness. Diabetic retinopathy occurs in four stages and can progress rapidly if not treated and monitored properly. Treatment of this sight-threatening disease may include different methods, depending on the stage of the disease.

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Lazy Eye: The Latest Research

by Russ Lazarus May 18, 2020

The Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (PEDIG) research provided evidence-based studies on treatment for children with lazy eye. PEDIG research on the effectiveness of lazy

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Convergence Insufficiency

by Russ Lazarus April 22, 2020

Convergence Insufficiency (CI) impacts the lives of up to 15% of all students. This is a highly treatable binocular vision condition that affects near vision and eye muscle coordination.
Children with CI can be mislabeled as ‘lazy’, ‘clumsy’, ‘poor students’ and ‘anxious’, or even misdiagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia.

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