When is Blurred Vision a Medical Emergency?
A problem with any part of the eye, such as the retina, optic nerve or cornea, can suddenly cause blurred vision. Slowly progressive blurred vision is usually caused by long-term medical conditions. Sudden blurring is most often caused by a single event. Some instances of sudden blurred vision are medical emergencies that must be treated as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage and vision loss.
Read MoreEye Health
Eyes are known as the ‘windows to your soul’, but they are the window to your health as well. Diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart and vascular diseases, and even some forms of cancer could be detected during an eye exam. According to Eye-Q, over 20% of Americans say an eye doctor detected a health issue – not related to the eyes.
Read MoreSixth Nerve Palsy
Sixth nerve palsy, also called abducens nerve palsy, is a rare condition that occurs when the sixth cranial nerve, also called the abducens nerve, becomes damaged.
Each year, around 11 in 100,000 people are diagnosed with sixth nerve palsy.
The sixth cranial nerve is responsible for sending signals to the lateral rectus muscle. When the sixth cranial nerve becomes damaged, it prevents the lateral rectus muscle from operating and results in an inward eye turn (esotropia) and double vision.
Read MoreFourth Nerve Palsy
Fourth Nerve Palsy, also known as Superior Oblique Palsy or Trochlear Nerve Palsy, occurs when the fourth cranial nerve becomes diseased or damaged. The fourth cranial nerve controls the actions of the superior oblique eye muscle and is responsible for turning the eye inward and downward.
Read MoreWhat Is Neuroplasticity?
Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to new experiences. It was once thought that the nerve fibers in the
Read MorePrism Lenses for Double Vision
Double vision is a relatively common problem, and is responsible for 850,000 visits to the doctor and hospital each year. Double vision, also known as
Read MoreWhat Are Side Vision Glasses?
Side-vision awareness glasses are an effective low vision device that increases the viewing field for people suffering from side vision loss. Side vision awareness glasses
Read MoreNystagmus
Nystagmus is an eye condition that causes repetitive involuntary eye movements. These movements can cause the eyes to move from side to side, up and down, or in circular motions. Nystagmus frequently leads to unsteady and impaired vision and depth perception which can cause poor balance and coordination.
Read MoreVisual Rehabilitation FAQs
These are the 10 most frequent questions asked to vision therapy eye doctors on vision therapy following a head injury. You may easily find answers to your questions below. If you still have questions, contact your nearest eye doctor experienced in TBIs, concussion and vision therapy
Read MoreCan a Stroke Cause Vision Problems?
Approximately 60 percent of stroke patients develop some form of visual impairment. A stroke occurs when there is an interruption of blood flow to the
Read MoreKaleidoscope Vision
What is kaleidoscope vision? Kaleidoscope vision occurs when multi-colored visual images are experienced with a headache, migraine, stroke or brain injury. In many cases, kaleidoscope
Read MoreTraumatic Brain Injury and Neuro-Optometry
What is a neuro-optometrist? Neuro-optometrists diagnose and treat visual problems related to neurological conditions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Through rehabilitative treatment, neuro-optometrists retrain and
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