Are You Suffering From Post-Concussion Symptoms?
Up to 90 percent of people experience post-concussion symptoms for many years… until they receive effective treatment from a neuro-optometrist. Post traumatic vision syndrome (PTVS)
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Meniere’s disease affects 2 in 1000 adults and over 45,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. What is Meniere’s disease? Meniere’s disease is an inner
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What is Meniere’s disease? Meniere’s disease is a chronic vestibular, or inner ear condition that causes severe vertigo and tinnitus (ringing in the ears), fullness
Read MoreOn the Long Road to Recovery: Motion Sickness and TBI
Author: Dr. Aaron Nichols Excel Neuro-Optometric Clinic Do you experience motion sickness while driving a car or motorcycle, or riding as a passenger? Motion sickness
Read MoreVision, Dizziness and Imbalance
Many people experience dizziness or balance issues following a mild concussion or other traumatic brain injury (TBI). Dizziness or imbalance can be caused by a
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