8 Tips to Protect Your Child’s Vision
Visual health is crucial for all aspects of life – seeing, learning, and connecting with others. Follow these tips to protect your child’s eyes and developing vision, to give them a life-time of clear vision, good eye health and the best opportunity to succeed in school and the sports field.
Read MoreHow to Stimulate Your Child’s Vision
Healthy vision development is a crucial part of childhood development, as it enables timely achievements of all developmental milestones. The first three years of life will concentrate on many milestone achievements, among the most important, is your child’s vision.
Read MoreEyes and Nutrition
How does nutrition impact ocular health? A balanced diet should provide all the nutrients required for optimum eye health. Nutrients are vital for healthy eyes. Many nutrients help to support eye function, and serve as protection against harmful light. In this way, nutrients may reduce the risk of age-related degenerative ocular diseases that can put your vision in danger.
Read MoreVision Development and Milestones
It is important to watch your baby’s development to ensure they reach their milestones. A child’s vision is a complex combination of the brain, the eyes and the vast array of nerves that connect them. At birth, this visual system is still immature and continues to develop throughout the child’s early years.
Read MoreWhat Is Lazy Eye?
According to research, amblyopia affects up to 1 in 33 of the population— this means up to 10 million people in the U.S. may have a lazy eye. Amblyopia, commonly known as a “lazy eye”, is a neuro-developmental vision condition that begins in early childhood and develops when one eye is unable to achieve normal visual acuity, causing blurry vision in the affected eye, even with corrective eyewear. The condition also commonly presents with poor depth perception, and reading difficulties.
Read MoreWhat Is Strabismus (Crossed-Eyes)?
Up to 5% of the population has strabismus, or an eye turn. Strabismus occurs when the two eyes are unable to maintain proper alignment and focus together on an object – one eye looks directly at the object, while the other eye points in a different direction.
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