
2021 Update: Reading Comprehension

by Russ Lazarus May 19, 2021

Since 80 percent of learning is through vision, if a child has a visual problem it will affect their reading comprehension.   The first step in

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Essential Vision Skills for College Students

by Russ Lazarus April 19, 2020

Strong visual skills are essential for academic success in college

College students have significantly high demands on their visual systems— and the integrity of their visual skills are critical for their success in their studies. Colleges and universities are known for their large lecture halls and seemingly endless amount of requirements. The great amount of studies that are involved in fulfilling these requirements lead to many hours of reading textbooks, studying, and using computers – all requiring excellent visual skills.

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Does ADHD Cause Social Problems?

by Russ Lazarus March 11, 2020

Sometimes children with ADHD don’t fully understand what is expected of them in social situations. Children with ADHD usually encounter many obstacles in school, finding it difficult to succeed in their studies. Many children with ADHD face difficulties in reading or math, organization, focus, as well as their attention challenges.

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