Special Needs Eye Doctor in Golden - Denver - Aurora -Boulder CO Metro Area, ,

Your Special Needs Eye Doctor in Golden - Denver - Aurora -Boulder CO Metro Area,

Special Needs Eye Doctor in Golden - Denver - Aurora -Boulder CO Metro Area, ,

Specialty Eye Tests, Therapy, and/or Lenses for Special Needs Patients of All Ages

Special Needs Exam

Our eye doctors are top specialists in the evaluation and treatment of the visual health and function of all types of special needs patients, including pediatric, geriatric, developmental delays, and nonverbal.

Special Needs Eye Exam / Vision Tests

Individuals with special needs and/or developmental delays require special testing of their eye health and visual function. We specialize in comprehensive eye exams and effective treatments for special needs and/or nonverbal patients, including infants, children and adults with developmental delays and/or traumatic brain injury.

Special Prescriptions and/or Prism Lenses for Autism, Brain Injury, and other Special Needs Individuals

We are experienced in the total vision care of special needs individuals who typically need much more than a standard 20-20 eyeglasses prescription. We prescribe lenses that go beyond 20-20 eyesight correction and are fine-tuned to the total vision of the special needs patient. Our customized eyeglasses prescriptions can be life-changing.

Developmental Vision Care for Special Needs

In so many cases, the right prescription is significant, but so much more improvement and success is possible for the special needs patient with our developmental optometric care and treatments, such as Vision Therapy. Call us to find out about our lenses and/or developmental eye care and therapy programs for special needs patients. Our practice has a special committment to providing extraordinary vision care for special needs patients, , including the developmentally delayed!

To learn more about our special needs vision care and to learn about how we treat the eyes / visual conditions associated with many special needs diagnoses, see:

There's More to Healthy Vision than 20/20 Eyesight!

Learn more about symptoms of visual problems which affect
reading skills, learning disabilities and, in some cases, overall
reading, learning, school, sports and life success.